What does a vCIO do?
One of the terms that has become almost cliché in the managed service world is vCIO.
Everyone wants to have and offer a vCIO service, but what does is really do for you?
Most of the time, your provider is offering a vCIO (Virtual CIO) service because they know they can’t deliver against your business goals without having someone dedicated to your business. Having someone dedicated sounds like a great idea to most people. Someone who gets to know your business inside and out and provide the guidance you are looking for from a technology perspective – wether it is managed services, network security or help desk & support. If you really think about it though, what happens when that person moves on, another role, another company, the proverbial Good Humor truck. All the knowledge and experience about your business is gone in a flash. Good luck getting the next vCIO back to that point quickly.
I feel, and one of the reasons I started HubWise, that your partner should be able to help your business drive towards your goals, and it all starts by understand what they even are in the first place. What, why, and how do you do what you. If your provider can’t answer those basic questions about your company without charging you hourly for a vCIO, then maybe it’s not a fit.
Now, don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place to have a deeper consulting relationship with your provider. If you truly need more time from them during a project or growth period, then it absolutely makes sense to have a higher-level engagement. You just shouldn’t need it during your day to day operations, you and your provider should both understand what’s making everyone successful and design the solution around that.
Contact us to learn more.