The End is Near! Year End Sage User Group Meeting
Join us for a Year End Sage 100 User Group Meeting
When: Thursday, November 16th, 2017
Where: HubWise Technology, 4217 South 84th Street, Omaha, NE
It’s the end of the year, what do you need to know about closing out the year with Sage? We are going to review year end procedures and discuss what you need to know to finish the year right!
Sage 2018 was just launched recently with the newly developed Payroll and Job Cost modules. We will give an overview of the updated modules and discuss the requirements.
Currently using Sage? Join us to learn about what you need to know and what’s new. Interested in Sage? Stop out to see what current Sage customers are using.
A box lunch from Farmhouse Cafe will be provided.
Seating is limited, please register soon.
How: Register Here!