It all started when I got my first PC. I still remember MS-DOS, the first time I ran Windows 3.1, the Windows 95 launch, and everything that has come since. It’s been quite a journey to where I’m at now, but the technology was only one part of experience. I’ve been involved in the business of technology for the same amount of time. PCs and technology wasn’t just a way to play games (although, I did my fair share of that), I was more interested in how technology was changing the way business was done and how it could impact organizations in a huge way.
When I was younger, I watched my father’s business utilize technology to get them a leg up on their competition, reduce costs, and help communicate. I’ve built some small side businesses based on the use of technology to provide those advantages, and I’ve most recently spent the last 5 years of my life building a division of a managed services company that was focused on larger business and projects.
The success that I have seen was based on looking beyond technology being a cost. I want to look at it being an opportunity to grow, to provide a strategic advantage, to give back some of the lost time. It seems more and more that businesses and business owners aren’t looking at it in the same way, and that’s OK with me. It’s my job to help companies and people see what they can do with their technology. I don’t sell technology solutions, I sell Time, Productivity, and Profit.
When my partners and I first started looking at starting a company, one of the first questions we asked was what do we want it to be. My feedback at the time was not to focus on the what, let’s focus on the why. Why do we do what we do, what gets us up in the morning and keeps us going? For me, it’s embodied in our Core Purpose. Do Better. I knew we could do better, better technology, better relationships, better strategy, just better.
Every day, wake up and ask yourself, what can you Do Better? I guarantee there is at least one thing you can improve. It might be in your marriage, it might be at your job, it might be in your business, but Do Better. Find it, improve it, and at the end of the year, you will have done 365 things better. Think of the impact of that. It can be incredibly powerful, not just for your, but the people around you.
I look forward to bringing our Brand Promises, Plan; Communicate; Deliver; Recommend; and our Core Values, Say it, Do it; Fearless Innovation; Do the Little Things; No B.S.; to you over the next 25 years.